​- Family Mexican Cuisine
- Boneyard Barbecue
- Yingling Ice
If you are interested in being a food vendor for this year's tournament, please contact Margaret Sheridan by emailing mmsheridan26@yahoo.com or by calling 301-275-0939.
2022 Color: TBD
T-shirts, sweatshirts, polo shirts, caps, shorts, sweatpants, and more will be on sale throughout the tournament!

2021 Tournament
July 30 - July 31, 2022

​Coaches Meeting Date and Time to be announced.
Team Roster, Team Registration Form and $350 team registration fee due by July 17, 2022. Checks should be made payable to 5 Angels Memorial Soccer Fund and mailed with completed Team Roster, Team Registration Form to
249 S. Lincoln Dr. Hanover, PA 17331.
​Players must attend the high school they are playing for in this tournament. All players must be entering grades 9, 10, 11, or 12 in Fall 2022. Guest players and graduate players are not permitted.
A Medical Release Form and Liability Agreement must be completed and on file with each coach prior to the start of the tournament.

Many volunteers working together make this event successful each year. If you are interested in volunteering for this year's tournament, please contact Margaret Sheridan by emailing mmsheridan26@yahoo.com or by calling 301-275-0939.

​Raffle items are currently be accepted for this year's tournament. If you are interested in donating a raffle item for this year's tournament, please contact Margaret Sheridan by emailing mmsheridan26@yahoo.com or by calling 301-275-0939.